You can create templates for signature requests for quick submission. Templates can be shared with other users, groups or the entire organisation.
By saving repetitive texts, workflows and other settings in reusable templates, you shorten the preparation time for signature requests and enable the automation of creation processes for others in your organisation as well.
Create a new template by selecting Template from the +New menu
The opening template looks like a signature request form, so that filling in the information is easy to follow.
Fill in the prefilled signature request section of the signature request form with the information you want to pre-fill for the signature requests created based on the template.
You can share the template with people and groups by adding these to the Share this template with... field. Users or groups who have been given owner rights to the model can modify it. Select a person icon to grant ownership. The icon is shown in blue in the owner rows.
When the template is ready, click Create Template to save it. The template will appear in the Home view of the users to whom the template has been shared.
In addition, you can find templates made by you and shared with you on the Signing tab by selecting the Templates filter.
By selecting a template from the list, its information is displayed in the window.
As an owner, you can edit the template by clicking Edit or delete the template by clicking Delete.
All users to whom the template has been shared can view the information filled in for the template and create new signature requests based on the template. By clicking Create a new signature request, you can create a new signature request. The template information is pre-filled for the signature request and you are free to edit it.
You can open a discussion about the template or leave a message on the template for users.
The message will be displayed to users in the home view.
If you want to target a message to a specific person or group so that an e-mail notification is sent about it, use the @ mention in the message.
To create a poll in a new space, click + New button and choose Poll.
A new poll form is opened.
Your currently selected account is indicated in the Account field. The Voting topic field will be used as the poll title and the new space title. You may change the space title later if needed. Voting question is the main question that will be displayed in the voting interface above the available voting options. Voting options provide available choices for voters - the inputs can contain words, numbers or other symbols as needed by the voting context. More voting options are added by clicking Enter when focused on the input field or by clicking the + icon. You need at least two voting options (such as Yes/No) for a poll, but they can be as complex as needed, for instance:
By default the voters will be allowed to choose one voting option. To enable multiple voting options, click the checkbox Allow attendees to select multiple options.
The default selection is Unlimited options. If you would like to limit the number of voting options, switch the radio button and indicate the number of options. For instance in the following example the poll voters will be allowed to select a maximum of 2 options from the list.
Message to voters is meant to provide general instructions to users about this poll and will be visible in the posted poll in the space. Voters will have access to the created space where they are invited to vote in the poll. Voters can be added by name (if they are SignSpace users) or email. It is possible to paste a list of comma separated emails in the voters field. If you have a very long list of voters or the information presentation requirements are very complex, Advanced voter settings and import from file modal provides more advanced options. The details of these advanced options are explained in a separate section of Poll advanced settings.
Please note! A maximum of 200 voters can be added to a poll. The more voters you add, the longer it will take to create the poll and send the invitations. For example with 100 voters, it will take about 1 minute to create the poll and send the invitation.
The poll creation form also contains some settings:
The voting method controls the visibility of the voting results.
Access type controls if voters can access any other information related to the poll, for instance attachments, voting results, or SignSpace discussions in the space where the poll is posted.
Authentication method determines if voting link is passcode protected for users who vote without registering to SignSpace.
Since this poll will create a new space, the bottom bar of the form contains a link Security settings. These settings will apply to the created space. They are fully editable at any time in the created space, and this is just a quick access to them. Clicking the link will open the following pop-up:
While you edit the form, the poll is not saved as a draft, so if you click X or Discard you will be asked if you agree to discard unsaved changes.
If you click Save as draft a new space will be created and the draft poll will be posted in it. However, the poll status is DRAFT and no invitations are sent to voters until you finish editing in the poll form and click Send.
After clicking Send the poll will be posted as the first activity in the space with the OPEN status. Voters are invited and can start voting.
Welcome to the SignSpace User Guide!
SignSpace provides an easy and secure platform for electronic signing, contract management, and electronic voting. Here, you’ll find instructions for various features of the service, tips for effective use, and answers to frequently asked questions.
Start by exploring the topics or use the search function to quickly find the information you need.
In the additional settings of the signature request form, you can enable the signing order function.
By default, the signature order function is disabled. All signatories are therefore invited to sign the documents at the same time when the signature request is created.
If you want the signatories to sign the documents in a specific order, select Signing Order - ON in the form. After that, a number is displayed for each signatory, which you can change.
By default, each one has a number of 1. Click on the numbers you want to change.
When the signature request is sent, each signer receives an invitation to their email to sign in turn according to the number.
The SignSpace service has two options for identity verification. The author of the signature request selects the appropriate level for each signature request in the signature request settings.
If the Light level is selected, authentication of signers with email verification is required:
Registered users have verified their email address when creating an account.
Users who do not have a SignSpace account or sign documents without signing into the service will be sent a one-time security code by email.
The light option is an easier and faster way to sign, but it provides weaker authentication of signers. Therefore, if signing requires strong verification of the identity of the signers, it is good to choose the Strong level.
If the Strong level is selected, the signer must authenticate using strong electronic authentication with each signing event.
Strong electronic authentication takes place in the Signicat authentication service. Strong electronic identity is currently available in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania. Verifying the identity of the signatories requires their bank credentials or electronic ID certificates on their mobile phone.
All signatures created in the SignSpace service comply with the eIDAS Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014. More information about the security and legal compliance of signatures can be found at https://resources.signspace.com/legal-compliance .
If you are the owner of the signature request, you can edit the sent signature request. Click the Edit link in the toolbar of the submitted signature request.
An editable form opens.
You can change the name of the contract, add or remove reviewers / signatories who have not yet reviewed / signed, or change the text of the messages.
You can also make changes to advanced settings. For example, you can enable and disable the signing order. Some of the settings control workflows during the life of the contract, so they can be changed only until the review or signing has started.
After making the changes, click the Save button and the signature request will be updated. Deleted participants will receive an e-mail notification of the deletion and the added reviewers / signatories will be invited to review / sign the documents.
When you are invited to sign a document, you will receive a notification in your email.
NOTE! If you are sender of the signature request and added yourself as a signatory, you will not receive a separate email notification.
By clicking on the View signature request link, you will be directed to the signature process:
Signed-in users are directed to the SignSpace service to sign
persons who do not have a SignSpace account and users who are not signed in to the service are directed to sign on the page opened in the browser
Access to the documents may have been protected with a security code. If so, you will be asked to enter a security code that will be sent to you in an email.
If the signing process is not protected with a security code, you will be directed to view the files. SignSpace allows you to sign many different file types. Preview is not available for some file types. Download such files to your machine for preview.
NOTE! If you have a SignSpace account, you can switch to the SignSpace service by clicking the link Sign in to SignSpace
If you are not the right person to sign the files in question, or if changes need to be made to the files, you have two options depending on the settings defined by the inviter:
You can also leave a message that will be visible to all participants. The person who sent the invitation will receive a notification from your message to their email and also a notification to their computer if they are logged in to the service and have enabled desktop notifications.
When you are ready to sign the documents, click Next until the summary page appears. Enter your legal name if asked, review/edit your personal information, and click the Sign button when you're ready to sign.
Registered users cannot edit personal data during the signing process. In this case, the modifications are made in the application settings.
The email address cannot be edited if the signature request level is set to Light.
If a light authentication method is required, you will be prompted to enter the code you received via email in the Enter passcode field.
If the signature level is set to Strong, signing requires strong electronic identification instead of the passcode.
For more information about signature levels, see Learn about alternative signing levels
Once your identity has been verified, a page will appear telling you that the documents have been successfully signed.
The signed documents will be emailed to you once all parties have signed. If the sending of signed files to email is disabled by the sender, you will be sent a download link of the signed documents.
If you create a SignSpace account using the same email address to which the invitation was sent, you can see the signed files there as well.
If it is not possible to collect signatures from all the invited signatories and you want the documents to be signed with already collected signatures, you can set the signature request ready by selecting Set complete from the signature request toolbar.
People who haven't signed yet will be removed from the signature request and a notification will be sent to them by email.
The SignSpace service provides a user interface for verifying electronic signatures. The service is used by both service users and external parties. With the help of the service, the recipient can make sure that the signed set of documents delivered to him is original and unaltered.
You can also check the signatures of PDF files, for example, by opening the file with the Adobe Acrobat Reader application.
You can find information about the security and legality of SignSpace signatures here.
You can check the signatures of a PDF file signed in the SignSpace service after 13 April 2023 by opening the file with the Adobe Acrobat Reader application. You can check the signatures of PDF files signed before 13 April 2023 in the verification service provided by the SignSpace service.
NOTE! If the PDF file to be signed is damaged before uploading it to the SignSpace service, its content is locked or the file has already been signed once, due to technical limitations, an electronic stamp cannot be added to it. In these cases the signature page is created as a separate electronically stamped PDF file. The authenticity of these signatures can be checked in the verification service.
In the verification service, the integrity of the files uploaded by the user to the service is checked and these are compared to the original data stored in the service.
To verify signatures, you need the original signed file and its signature information. The signature information can be in different formats:
On the page attached to the end of the PDF document
In a separate PDF document
The easiest way to make sure you have all the information needed for verification is to click the Download all files with signatures link in the completed signature request.
Keep this zip file for future reference.
When you want to check the signatures, download the contents of this zip file to the page of the verification service at https://site.signspace.com/en/verification.
When you download the contents of the zip file, you will see the result of the verification.
You can also download a single file from the zip file for verification. If the file has not changed a result is shown, which states that the file was signed as part of a package with two documents.
If the file is not in PDF format and therefore does not contain signature information, then you must upload both the original signed file and the related signature certificate. If you do not upload the appropriate signature information for the signed file, the authentication service returns an error message.
If the contents of the files have changed after signing, the authentication service returns an error message.
Note: When the signed file is not in PDF format or an electronic stamp has not been added to the PDF file due to technical limitations, the immutability of these files can be ensured with hash sums calculated from the files. These checks are also included in the provided verification service.
Tasks help keep things organised. With tasks, you can ensure that important things get done.
You can create to-do lists directly within conversations or create an independent task. You can follow the progress of tasks from the tasks view.
To create a stand-alone task, click the + New button and select Task.
Fill out the New task form. Give the task a title. Assignees are invited to perform the task. You can add one or more assignees. Users who are given access to the task and the conversation created for it, but who have not been assigned this task, are added to the Other recipients field. You can set a due date for the task and attach files to it. The message appears in the email notification sent to the recipients.
You can protect the task and respective discussions in the security settings.
When you click the Send button, a new task will be created.
The task can be discussed. The conversation where the discussion takes place can be displayed by clicking on the speech bubbles icon or any message.
If task lists are added to the conversation, they are displayed as sub-tasks in the main view and also on the messages.
You can create to-do lists within conversations by selecting the to-do icon in the message writing panel.
Write a description for the task and assign it to a person or group by writing @person's name or @group's name.
Note! You can only assign tasks to people who can be found in the address book of your SignSpace account.
You can mark tasks assigned to you as done by clicking on the box. By placing the mouse over the task, you can see who completed the task and when.
Task owners set tasks added on messages complete on behalf of the assigned person by clicking on the check box.
The main task can be set completed by selecting Complete on behalf from the three-dot menu.
You can follow-up tasks from the tasks view.
With the help of filters and free text search, you can create short-lists according to your needs. For example, the "My incomplete" filter brings open tasks assigned to you to the list.
By clicking on a task from the list, you can process the selected task.
NOTE! Each task is displayed in the task list with its own task line; both independent tasks and tasks added to message.
Task owners can cancel a task. This is done by selecting Cancel task from the three-dot menu next to the task.
The canceled task is no longer active and is displayed as canceled in the task list.
Task owners can open a canceled task. This is done by choosing Open the task again from the three-dot menu.
Voters receive the poll notification by email and can proceed to voting by clicking Proceed.
The document preview and voting window will open. Click Next step.
If there was at least one document attached for voting, first you will see those attached documents.
If there was at least one document attached for voting, first you will see those attached documents.
Read all the documents - there might be more than one document to review. SignSpace allows attaching various file types and for some of the file types document preview might not be available. You will have to download such files for review on your computer. Reviewing all the documents is important, because you are voting on their content. Once you complete reviewing the attached document(s), click the Next step button.
On the voting page depending on the setup of the poll, you might be allowed to choose only one option (in this case, the list will appear with radio buttons) or more than one option (in this case, additional instructions will be provided next to the list indicating how many options can be selected). At any time you can also decide to cast an empty vote by submitting it without any selected options – in such a case you will be asked to confirm that you are intentionally submitting an empty vote.
If the creator of the poll has not included your full name in the voting request, you need to provide your official name and surname (they will appear in the voting results documentation and in the electronic signature information).
There are two ways to identify voters – 1) by unique link only or 2) by unique link and a one-time passcode. The creator of the poll selects the alternative that will be applied to the poll. If the option 1) is selected, you can vote by simply clicking the button Cast your vote at the bottom of the voting page. If the option 2) is selected, you will additionally have to enter a one-time security passcode which is sent to your email.
Find the security passcode in your email, enter it in the above page and click Sign and submit my vote.
You will see a notification that you completed the voting. You will also receive an email confirming that you voted. However, we recommend creating a SignSpace account, so that you can participate in the discussion, follow the whole voting process and have access to the final results with all signatures.
The data stored in SignSpace by the customer is retained and deleted in accordance with the described practices.
In SignSpace the default retention period is 10 years for any signed documents, related conversations and attachments. The retention period starts from the date of the last signature of the document.
During the retention period, the content is available to the contracting parties, invited participants, and those who have access to the content through the organisation ownership.
Each organisation can only remove signed documents from its own account. Signed documents are stored in the SignSpace service, until the right to access the documents has been removed from all parties.
Data stored in the service that has not been electronically signed is retained by default for 12 months from the date when the space containing the data was created. These space types are signature request, poll, conversation and task.
The 12-month automatic deletion practice comes into effect when the service implements an archiving feature, which allows customers to set retention periods for content (estimated Q4/2024).
For unsigned data, the owning organisation decides how the data is retained. Data deleted by the owner is removed from all parties with whom the data has been shared, except in cases where ownership has been transferred to another organisation. In such cases, each organisation decides on when the data is deleted from their own account.
Data deletion can be reversed by owners within 14 days of the data being deleted.
Owners, if deletion rights have been granted to them by the main user, and trusted administrators can delete data from the organisation's account. Main users grant deletion rights to each user individually. By default, deletion rights are granted only to main users and trusted admins.
Data stored by customers in the SignSpace service is permanently deleted once access has been removed from all parties and the 14-day period allowing for data restoration has elapsed.
Data for which there is no reason for storage is deleted from the database daily, and backups of this data are destroyed within 12 months of deletion.
The Decline to sign button appears on every page of the document during the review.
You will be asked to tell why you cannot sign the signature request. Your comment will be delivered to the person who created the request and other administrators of the request. The signature request will be put on hold.
When you are invited to sign a document, you will receive a notification in your email.
If you are signed in to the SignSpace service, the View signature request link will direct you to the SignSpace application.
To start the signing process, click on Read and sign next to your name, which will open a preview window of the document.
Read all documents - there may be one or more documents. Document preview may not be available for all document types. In this case, the files must be downloaded to a computer for reading.
If you are not the right person to sign the files in question, or if changes need to be made to the files, you have two options depending on the settings defined by the inviter:
If you are the right person to sign, click the Sign 1 document now button after reviewing all documents.
When the signature level Light has been selected for the signature request in the creation phase, strong electronic identification is not required.
If the signature level is set to Strong, signing requires strong electronic identification.
For more information about signature levels, see Learn about alternative signing levels
After successful authentication, you will receive a notification that the signing was successful and return to the signature request view.
For your name, the signing status has changed to Signed.
Note! If you are not the last signatory of the document, your electronic signature will not yet appear in the document attached to the signature request. The document's signatures only become visible when all signatories have signed it. You will receive an email when all signatories have signed the document and the documents with electronic signatures are attached / ready for download.
You can import information into the Advanced poll settings table from a CSV file. The content must be in the same format as in the sample file.
Person entitled to vote (Name);Person entitled to vote (email);Represented by (Name);Represented by (email);Description;Nr of votes
The sample file is available for download by clicking the link at the bottom of the Advanced poll settings page.
To import the rows from the CSV file into the signing request, click the Upload file link and select the file on your workstation.
The file to be uploaded must be in CSV UTF-8 (Comma-delimited) format.
By default only the Main Users have the permission to manage metadata. Permissions can be granted to additional users or groups in the Metadata administrators section.
Metadata is managed in the Metadata settings. Users with the required permissions can enter the settings by clicking the table-like metadata icon in the top bar.
You can expand the file view with metadata columns. Choose "Edit Columns," select the metadata to display and click Apply.
The file list is populated with the chosen metadata.
The SignSpace metadata features make contract management easier and more structured. The needed information is available to the people who need it and is easy to find. Information can be organised to meet the organisation specific data management requirements. The predefined data structures can be utilised to build automated processes, such as sharing of content, automated notifications when the contracts are due for renewal and fully automated archiving.
Predefined metadata structures allow users to add metadata when they create signing requests or share files. In order for users to add metadata, structures must be first specified.
Metadata are used to collect the required metadata from users. Metadata determine what data is collected.
Metadata can be filled in when a new signing request is created / edited or later in the file preview. Metadata can be written by space owners, metadata administrators, and trusted admins. Other users defined in the selected metadata template have read-only access.
Select a template from the list to add metadata.
Fill in the required fields marked with * and other fields as needed.
The Number field type is used when metadata must be stored in numeric format. Decimals can be specified between 0-2.
You can add up to 50 files with a total size of up to 60MB to space messages, tasks, signing requests or to chat messages from your computer.
On a voting request you can add up to 3 files with a total size of up to 10MB.
Files can be attached by clicking on the paperclip icon or by dragging and dropping them into the input field. The area where the files are dropped is indicated by a dashed line.
The use of tags brings many benefits, especially for organisations that have a large number of contracts and other content to manage or want to use tags to follow-up a certain process.
With the help of tags, content can be grouped and filtered efficiently. Tags make it easier to find the content you need.
Tags can be added to signature requests, polls, discussions, and tasks. In the Files view, tags are displayed for files of respective activities.
Anyone can add tags and they are only visible to users in the person's own organisation.
You can add tags either in the lists, in the activity details view, or in the files view.
You can add and remove tags in the list view by pointing to the desired line with the mouse, clicking on the tag icon that appears on the list, and adding/removing the desired tags.
Tags are added in the activity Details view by clicking the tag icon.
In the Files view, tags are added by clicking the tag icon.
The tag icon opens a window for adding and removing tags.
Click X to remove tags
Add tags either by clicking on the displayed Commonly used tags or by typing the name of the tag in the Search or add tag field.
Commonly used tags list shows max 15 most commonly used tags, Most popular in order.
You can make updates to tags for several activities at once.
First, click on the icon at the top right of the list, which allows you to select several activities.
Then select the activities you want to edit from the list.
Click Tags from the list's toolbar and make the necessary edits, which will update all selected activities at once.
Searching for activities is made faster by using tags.
Enter the name of the tag in the search field of the list and select the tag with which you want to search.
All activities with the tag you selected are displayed on the list.
If you wish, you can further refine your search by entering more search criteria in the search field.
You can also search using the tag shown in the list by clicking on the tag and selecting Search for this tag
With the help of tags, you can create a light tracking of work steps. Add a descriptive tag for each work step and instruct users to always change the tag to the next agreed tag after each work step. For example: Insurance > Billing > Execution.
If you use templates to make signature requests, you can already define the first work phase tag on the templates, and the tags added to these will be inherited for the signature requests made based on the templates.
Metadata templates are used to collect data from users in a structured way. For example, you can create one metadata template for meeting minutes and another for a specific type of contract, such as subcontracting or just a common contract template.
Once you have defined the required metadata fields, you are ready to create a metadata template that defines what information is collected from users.
New template is created by clicking +New metadata template in the metadata templates list.
Give a name and fill a description if needed. These are visible to users in the pages where metadata is entered.
Add metadata fields from the list of available metadata fields. Selected fields can be arranged by dragging and dropping to specify the display order.
You can make some or all of the metadata fields mandatory. This is recommended if the metadata is later used to share or archive documents.
Metadata template is shared with your organization by default. Sharing can be customized with certain restrictions. At the organizational level, distribution is limited to own organization and group companies.
Metadata fields are required for templates, so they must be defined before creating templates. The metadata fields determine what data is collected from users. There are 5 types of metadata fields available; text, date, list, number and person.
New field is created by clicking +New field in the metadata fields list. The top area is the same for all the field types. The field name is filled and the field type is selected from the list. The default field type is Text.
Each type has some field specific properties. If the metadata needs to be filled in free text format, select the field type Text, where as if you need to ensure that a value is entered in a certain way, select the field type List and define the entry values. The Date metadata type allows users to enter a date and the Number type is for entering a value in numeric format. The Person type is used when there is a need to capture a specific person or group as metadata.
All files you attach to SignSpace, as well as files shared with you, appear in the Files list on the Files tab.
Depending on the size of the screen you are using, all columns may not fit on the screen at once, but the screen must be scrolled horizontally. Therefore, the width of the column can be adjusted. Hover over the vertical bar next to the column name to change the width of the column.
You can also select the columns to display in your file list in the Edit Columns help window.
All files are listed in chronological order, with the newest at the top.
Each file is displayed on its own line, except for multiple files attached to the same signature request or task. The files of the same signature request or task are put together in one bundle. The name of the bundle is the name of the signature request or task. The file bundle is marked with a blue icon. Click the arrow to view the files:
You can open a file in the preview view by clicking on the name of the file or file bundle.
In the file list, you can also see if tags have been assigned to the file. If a tag has been assigned to a message, signature request, or task containing a file, the tag will also appear in the file list. When you move the mouse cursor to the line of each file, you will see a new tag icon, which opens a help window for editing tags. In the help window, you can see the added tags and you can delete them or add new tags. All changes are saved automatically. When you're done, click the X or anywhere outside the help window to close the help window.
To search for files by keyword, enter a keyword in the search field and press Enter. The applied filter is indicated on the blue line. To clear out the filter user X on the right side of the blue filter.
To search for a specific tag, click on that tag and select Search or this tag in the menu.
The tag search will be applied.
If you apply multiple searches without clearing out the blue bar, the search criteria will be combined.
The Date field type is used to enter metadata in date format. You can schedule automatic notifications based on the date entered in the field. As an example, you can specify a process to send an automated notification to a predefined user or group when a contract needs to be renewed.
Define the notification schedule, select the roles which will receive the notification and add a text that is displayed to the recipients on the email notification.
TIP: If you need to let the metadata creator determine who receives the notification, create a person field, add it to the same template as the date, and select the person field for the notification recipient (role). In the example below, the Contract owner (person field) is notified when the contract needs to be renewed.
The Person field type is used when a specific person or group needs to be captured as metadata. This information is useful when you need to specify the person or group that will receive automatic notifications (see: ).
NOTE: Only people / groups with a registered SignSpace account can be filled in this field.
The owners of the space can rename files that are shared in the space in the file preview. An edit icon is displayed when the mouse is moved over the heading of a file or a set of files. Click on the icon to edit the name. Changes made to names are saved in the history data.
Instead of signing each request separately, you can choose to sign multiple signing requests with a single authentication.
On the Signing tab, select the multiple checkboxes icon, and a check box appears next to each signing request.
Select the requests you want to sign and click Sign selected.
You can sign up to 10 signing requests at a time.
In the next step, the files attached to each signing request can be read / downloaded. A gray check mark indicates the files you have viewed during file preview. This will help you keep track of what files you have read.
When you're done with reading, click Proceed to sign
If you have not viewed all the files, a message appears stating that not all the files have been read. You can continue if you are ready to sign, or return to view the files.
On the summary page, you can make sure the content you sign matches what you read. You can still remove signing requests from the batch before continuing with signing.
If a request requires strong authentication, you will be directed to strong authentication. Click Verify your identity to sign. If all signing requests are light, click Sign <nr> Signing Requests to sign.
In the file preview, you can read the content of PDF files without downloading the files. For other file formats there is a Download button. A file preview opens by clicking on the file name.
A preview of one file looks like this.
The sidebar contains file summary information. All users with access to the file can see the top of the sidebar. The section containing tags and metadata is only visible to members of your own organisation. Anyone in your organisation can edit tags. Metadata editing feature is available for owners. Other users can see the metadata, but cannot make changes to it.
If the file belongs to a file bundle (there are more files in the same signature request or task), the entire bundle opens for preview. The file being viewed is indicated in the sidebar with an arrow and a bold font. You can change the previewed file by clicking on the desired file name.
If comments have been added to the document, you can see the comments by clicking on the Document comments tab.
Owners can rename files or file bundles and change the order in which files are presented.
The new group will be created in your currently selected account. Check the sidebar to make sure you have selected the correct account if you have more than one SignSpace account.
With the Home view selected in the top bar click + Group in the Groups shortlist on the sidebar.
In the new group management page fill in all the information for the group and add group members.
The Group access field allows to select privacy level of the group:
Private group is shown in your groups list only if you are a group member. Joining a private group is possible only by invitation from the group owner.
By approval group is discoverable in the groups list to anyone in the same organization as the group owner. Requesting to join the group is also available to anyone in the same organization as the group owner. However the request needs to be approved by the group owner for you to become a group member.
Without approval group is discoverable in the groups list to anyone in the same organization as the group owner and anyone from the same organization can join the group without additional approvals.
Users from outside the group owner organisation cannot find or request to join any of the above group type from the group list. Users from outside the group owner organisation can become group members only by invitation from the group owner.
The Group member list visibility field allows to select who can see the group member list names. This applies to various contexts, for instance in a space or a chat member list where a group listed is a member. Available options allow choosing between:
only that group members
that group members and the group owner organization users
To add group members, click Add users or groups, start typing the name and you will be provided with an auto-suggestion list. You may add persons or other groups (another existing group may be part of this new group).
Once you have listed all the needed participants, click the Add button.
And new group members will be added to the group.
By default a new group member is added to the group without special rights. The group owner can then add the needed rights and settings for that user:
Group owner - grants the user with all standard group management rights, such as adding and removing members, and changing group settings.
Signatory - allows the user to be one of the people who have the right to sign a signing request in the name of the whole group when a group is listed as a signatory.
Manages tasks - allows the user to be one of the people who have the right to complete a task in the name of the whole group when a group is listed as an assignee on a task.
Email notifications – allows the user to manage which email notifications the user receives as a member of the group. By default, the user receives all email notifications related to the group (this default option cannot be changed if the user is a Signatory or has a Manages tasks role). Other options include: Nothing – no email notifications are sent to the group member; Only when signing is complete – the group member receives email notifications only when signing has been completed by all participants. Note! Each user is also able to manage their own email notification settings on this page within the functional limitations described above.
When you return to the Home view, the newly created group is available in the Groups shortlist on the sidebar.
If you no longer need to be in a group, you can leave a group. Click the settings icon in the top right corner of the group management page and select Leave this group.
You will be asked to confirm that you want to leave the group. When you leave the group, you will lose access to any of the information (spaces, chats, files) that was available to you through this group. In case you need to be added to the group again later, you will have to go through the joining process depending on the group access type.
If you are the only group owner and would like to leave a group, you will first need to assign the group ownership rights to another group member. If you have not done so, you will see this notification when trying to leave the group.
Organisations can try the service free of charge for four weeks by choosing a paid subscription. The trial period includes all the functionalities of the service. The selected subscription becomes paid after the four-week trial period ends, unless it has been canceled during the trial period.
You can find more information about the subscription options and their features in the .
Proceed to order by first a personal account and then you can order the service for your organisation.
Registration and use of a personal account do not require a paid subscription. In this case, the functionalities of electronic signing and the service are limited and there is no trial period available.
Only the group owner can remove a group member from a group.
Go to the Groups list by selecting the Groups view in the top bar (make sure you have a specific account selected in the sidebar accounts menu if you have more than one account). In the group management page find the group member you need to remove and click the Trash icon on the right side of that group member line.
The group member will be removed from the group and lose access to any of the information (spaces, chats, files) that was available to them through this group.
The removed group member can be added back to the group at any time.
Go to and click Register link on the top of the page.
Fill in the registration form and accept the Terms of Service, Data Processing Agreement and Privacy Policy. Then click Continue.
Switch to your email inbox to verify your email address.
Check your inbox (and Spam folder) for an email from SignSpace. Click the verification link provided in the email message.
You will be asked to sign in to SignSpace.
Since you registered as a personal user you will be prompted a suggestion to register your organisation account or join an existing organisation.
If you choose to do this later, you will land in the main SignSpace user interface with a SignSpace welcome message.
If you choose to proceed with this registration, you will start the process described in .
To register an organisation on SignSpace, you must already have a SignSpace account. Once you have registered as a personal user or are already a personal user, go to the accounts menu in the sidebar.
Select Join / Register organisation.
Fill in the organisation’s details and click Find organisation.
You will receive a confirmation that such organisation is not registered. Click Register organisation.
Provide the email address you would like to associate with your organisation. This email will be used for SignSpace email notifications, such as new signing requests.
If you choose to add a new email, you will be asked to do email verification. You will receive an email message with a verification link. Go to your email inbox, click Finish registration and then you will be directed to continue this organisation registration flow.
If you choose one of the suggested emails, there are a couple of checks that the SignSpace system will do.
First, it will check if you already associated this email with another organisation account on SignSpace. In which case you might see the following notification. It means that you will be using the same email to receive email notifications from two separate organisation accounts on SignSpace, but inside SignSpace you will have a new ID so that signing requests can reach you in your newly added organisation account. The new ID is shown on the blue background. Make sure you inform your partners to use this ID and not your email when they want to connect to your new organisation account on SignSpace.
A second SignSpace check is done in case you selected a personal SignSpace account email to be connected to your new organisation account. In that case SignSpace checks if this personal account already has some content (messages, signing requests and so on). If you already have some content under your personal account, you will see this message. Choose if you would like to move the existing content to the new organisation account and click Continue.
Now you are starting the organisation registration process. Accept the general terms of use and click Continue in the first step of the form.
Provide your organisation contact details. Click Continue.
Select one of the subscriptions and review the selected plan.
Provide the invoicing details and place the order.
Your organisation is registered and your email is connected to the organisation account. You are the admin user of your organisation. You can invite other users to your organisation and manage the organisation account.
If you no longer wish to see a specific group in your sidebar shortlist you can remove it. Select that group name in the sidebar, open the context menu (down arrow) and select Remove from sidebar. The group will no longer be visible in your groups shortlist. When you need this group again, open the search field at the top of your groups shortlist block, enter the group name, click on that group name and it will be added to your shortlist again.
Once your organisation admin user invites you to join the organisation account, you will receive an email notification. Click Start using service.
If you already have a SignSpace account, do not register again. Use the sign in link in the blue notification at the top of the registration form.
If you do not have a SignSpace account yet, fill in the registration form and click Continue. Follow the guided workflow to join the organisation.
You can enable a function that adds a signature mark at the bottom of each signed PDF page. This may be needed especially when electronically signed files are printed in paper archives.
When the Mark each signed page function on the signature request form is turned ON, a signature mark is added to the bottom of each signed page.
The signature mark looks like this.
Owners of the signature request can set ON the marking function even after sending the invitations on the signature request edit page.
IMPORTANT! Note the limitations. Writing a mark on each individual page requires processing time and can therefore, depending on the case, significantly impact the signer's user experience, especially when signing large-sized / multi-file document bundles. In addition to this, technical problems may appear in exceptional pdf file formats during the writing phase.
The Finnish Contractor’s Obligations and Liability Act requires the contractor to check that their contractual partners fulfil their statutory obligations as partners and employers. Contractor’s liability data must be checked before signing an agreement.
Checking the contractor’s liability data is an additional service to a subscription. You can include it in the signing process to make the checking of contractor’s liability data easier for your organisation. The contractor’s liability reports required by law, including their read acknowledgements, are saved in the SignSpace service. The information required by internal audits and audits performed by the authorities are easily accessible in the summary view, when necessary.
Contact the SignSpace service sales to subscribe the contractor’s liability check function. You will receive a free trial period of 30 days. During this period, you can freely cancel your subscription. If you do not cancel your subscription during the free trial, it will become a payable service and will be charged in accordance with the subscription agreement.
This feature is available only for Finnish organisations.
The Reliable Partner interpretation, which includes the information required by the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability Act, is shown in the signer’s information when the organisation is included in the signature request. The information is available regarding Finnish organisations.
The Reliable Partner interpretation is shown free of charge to all users of the service, regardless of the type of subscription.
The icon (i) is shown when an organisation whose contractor’s liability data are not available is found in the Trade Register’s business information system (YTJ). The company can join the Reliable Partner service, making it easier for the client to comply with the statutory obligations.
The checking of contractor’s liability data requires adding the contracting party’s organisation to the signer’s information with a new signing request. Enter the organisation’s name or business ID and click Apply.
If the organisation you entered is found in the data sources used by the SignSpace service, the Reliable Partner interpretation or icon is shown as a symbol at the signer’s organisation.
If the organisation you entered is not found in the data sources, the icon is not shown. The icon is also not shown at your own organisation or subsidiaries.
When your organisation has started using the contractor’s liability data checking feature, you can set it on by using the contractor’s liability check slide button found at the bottom of the signing request form.
Please note! Your organisation may have specified a default setting so that it is always on but can be turned off, or so that it cannot be turned off.
You can choose between two processing options: Perform check or Not applicable
If checking the contractor’s liability data is not required, choose Not applicable. If you want, you may leave a comment that is shown on the signing request to users in your own organisation.
Choose Perform check when contractor’s liability data must be checked.
The checking window opens by choosing from the processing options: Perform check
If the Reliable Partner report is available for the organisation in question, the report opens in the preview window for reading. When necessary, you may download the report onto your computer by choosing Download.
When the interpretation of the report is Ok, no additional clarifications are needed and you can set the check as completed after reading the report. Always remember to read the full report!
When the interpretation of the report is Attention, ask your supplier to provide the necessary additional clarifications concerning the deviation.
If the interpretation of the report is Check or Incomplete, processing measures are required.
Stop is shown when the organisation does not meet the requirements of the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability Act: the person in charge specified in the organisations’ trade register extract is under a ban on engaging in commercial activities or, according to the YTJ register data, the organisation has been dissolved or announced bankrupt or the organisation is no longer operational.
More information on the interpretations of the Reliable Partner report.
If something in the contractor’s liability data of a party requires attention or checking, data are incomplete or data have not yet been received from the source, you need additional clarifications or an updated Reliable Partner report.
The necessary processing measures vary depending on the circumstances.
If you have at hand the documents supplementing the Reliable Partner report that are required for the contractor’s liability report, or if you want to leave comments relating to the report, you may
a) attach files to the Attach files field on the right side of the checking window.
b) save the signing request as a draft and gather the missing information later and save them in the Contractor’s liability check discussion found in the signing request.
c) or return to the checking window to enter the required data.
The comments related to the contractor’s liability check are only shown to those persons in your organisation to whom the request to sign was shared and to the Reliable Administrators in your organisation.
When the check is complete to the extent required by the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability Act, you can set the check as completed by clicking the I have checked, ... checkbox and choosing Set as completed.
The icon (i) is shown, when the contractor’s liability data of the organisation cannot be checked, because the organisation is not included in the Reliable Partner service.
The easiest way to ensure compliance with the obligations pursuant to the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability Act is to invite the contracting party to join the Reliable Partner service.
Click the Invite ... button and email a pre-filled invitation to the representative of the contracting party. You can freely edit the text of the cover letter before sending.
SignSpace will send you an email notification when the Reliable Partner report of your contracting party is available and you can proceed to sign the agreement.
The checked Reliable Partner report and the associated read acknowledgement are always saved in your organisation’s account as part of the contractor’s liability check. If you also want to attach the contractor’s liability report as part of the agreement to be signed, choose YES at Attach the Reliable Partner report to the agreement to be signed?
When you choose YES, the report is included as part of the agreement to be signed.
If the agreement files to be signed are in pdf format, you may combine the files into a single pdf by choosing Combine pdf files into a single file.
On the Files tab, you may follow the contractor’s liability reports of agreements. Choose Edit columns and click the selection boxes at the columns you want to present in the files view. Other users cannot see your column settings.
Please note! The contractor’s liability check columns are shown when your organisation has purchased the payable contractor’s liability check service.
The columns that you chose are presented in the Files view. By using the predefined filters found under the Liability check heading, you can get a list of the agreements you want.
SignSpace provides an export function to export the organisation data into an Excel file. The file is convenient for importing the organisation data of contractual partners into the Valvoja service provided by Vastuu Group Ltd, for instance.
The contractor’s liability data of signed agreements are saved in the service for ten (10) years as a default. The contractor’s liability data are deleted from the service when the signed agreement is deleted.
To create a new signature request, click the + New button and select Signature request.
Fill the New signature request form.
CONTRACT NAME is the title of the signature request and will be displayed in the email invitation sent to signatories.
Attach the files that the recipient needs to sign under FILES TO SIGN. The maximum file size is 60 MB and the most common file types are allowed. The exception is the LIGHT plan, which only includes attaching pdf files. You can change the display order of files to be signed by dragging and dropping them either on the signature request form or later in the file preview view.
Invite the SIGNATORIES to sign the attached documents. When you add the signer's email address, name or SignSpace ID, the input field changes to the following format.
The signer's e-mail address is displayed in the upper left column. If the signer has a SignSpace account and you have the right to see this information, the account name will be displayed below the email address. If the signer has several SignSpace accounts, you can choose which account the invitation will be sent to.
The signer's email address or SignSpace ID is required information. Other signatory information is optional:
The name of the signatory can be added if it is not pre-filled. If the name field is left blank, the signer will be asked to enter his name before signing. This only applies to light authentication. When a strong authentication method is selected, the signer's full name is displayed on the signature page instead of the manually entered name.
If the signer's job title is filled in, it will be displayed on the signature page.
The Contracting party given in the upper right corner indicates the organisation the signatory represents and is displayed on the signature page. Select a party to the contract from the list, if available, or enter the name of the organisation manually. When you start writing the name, you will be suggested suitable organisations registered in the Finnish Trade Register. If the organisation is not Finnish or you cannot find it, enter the name and click Apply. Select "-" if you do not want this information to appear on the signature page.
When you have entered the information of the signatories, you can write a message to the recipients if you wish.
If the posting of comments is allowed, recipients of signature requests can send comments related to the signature request. The creator of the signature request and other owners will receive a notification by email if the signature request has been commented on.
Documents to be signed can be sent for review before they are sent for signing. Invite INTERNAL REVIEWERS with an email address, name or SignSpace ID.
When you have entered the reviewers, you can write them an accompanying message if you wish.
NOTE! The review process is intended primarily for internal reviews! However, if necessary, you can also add an external person as reviewer. The conversation during the review is visible only to internal users, reviewers, and persons who are later added to this internal conversation by the owner of the signature request.
You can choose if the signature invitations are sent automatically when the reviews have been approved or send the signature request manually from the user interface after the review. If you choose the manual option, you will be notified by email when the review is complete. This option is suitable, for example, for situations where you want to send the document for review in an editable format, for example as a WORD file and change it to a PDF file before sending it for signing.
You can display the names of the reviewers on the signature page by selecting Display reviewers on the signature page.
In the Other recipients field, add the users and groups to whom you want to grant access to the signature request.
In the Owners field, add the users and groups who have the right to edit and manage the signature request. You don't need to add yourself to the owner list, because as the creator of the signature request, you are automatically the owner.
The envelope icon at the end of the Other Recipients and Owners fields allows you to define email notification settings per signature request.
In the right sidebar, you can find the signature request settings and workflows. By opening and closing sections, you can customise the sections that are relevant to you. Your choice will be saved for future signature requests.
Select the required level of authentication that signers must use during the signing process:
Light: the signatory is asked to verify his identity by confirming email address either during SignSpace account registration or during signing with a one-time security code delivered to the user's email address.
Strong: the signatory is asked to verify his / her identity using strong electronic identification device during the signing event.
Add Due date when you want to set a deadline for completing the signature request and automate the sending of reminders. Reminders are sent three days before the due date, the day before the due date, and after the due date has passed.
You can specify whether signatories can sign documents after the due date. If signing is not allowed after the due date, the signature request is automatically canceled when the due date expires.
Email invitations are sent and a signature page is created by default in the language selected in the user interface. You can change the language of email invitations if needed. The signature page is created in the selected languages.
If you set Signing order on, signatories are invited to sign in the numerical order you specify.
Allow delegation allows the invited signatories to delegate signature requests to another person if they are not the right person to sign the document.
The scheduled sending function can be used to set a date when the signature request will be sent. The signature request is sent on the morning of the specified day at 6:00 AM. The signature request remains as an editable draft until it is sent.
With the help of metadata, contracts can be enriched with controlled information. If your organisation has defined metadata structures, you can choose the template that best meets your needs and fills in the requested metadata. Metadata structures are defined in metadata settings.
The security code protection function protects files with the code needed to open them. Code protection can ensure that the user who clicked on the invitation link has access to the email address to which the invitation was sent.
The contents of the signing request can be protected with strong authentication. The use of the setting requires that the user has first strongly identified himself. Strong identification is required from all invited users. NOTE! Access to content protected by strong authentication requires all users to create a SignSpace account and sign in to the service.
Select Do not display conversations on email notifications if the conversations involve confidential information.
When the File sending to email disabled option is selected, a file download link protected by a security code is sent to users instead of sending the files to email.
A signature page containing signature information is generated when all signatures have been collected. You can preview a draft of the signature page by clicking Signature page preview before sending the invitation to make sure that the information appears on the page as desired.
When the signature request form is filled, you can either Save it as a draft or send it using the Send button.
The saved draft is only visible to you (the creator) and any other owners added on the form. Click Edit Signature Request, make any updates, and click Send when you're ready to submit the request.
The owner of the signature request can cancel a signature request that is no longer needed. The Cancel function can be found in the toolbar of the signature request.
Signatories will be notified of the cancellation by email.
A canceled signature request can be opened again.
Any user can put a signature request on hold. The Put on hold function can be found in the signature request toolbar.
The owner(s) of the signature request will receive a notification by e-mail that the signature request has been put on hold and they will be highlighted in the list of signature requests with a red attention color and will be filtered in the Requires your attention! list.
Signing is blocked when the signature request is on hold.
The owner of the signature request can remove the signature request from hold by selecting the Reopen function from the signature request toolbar.
Trusted Admin user permission allows access to organisation information on SignSpace. Trusted admin has access to all the spaces owned by an organisation and can add and remove space/group members. By default, no one has the Trusted Admin rights. The person who registers an account becomes the Main user. Main users can then create a new authorisation request for the Trusted Admin role (for themselves or for someone else in the organisation). The process ensures that only the users authorised by the legal representative of the organisation can have access to all the information owned by the organisation. Clicking "Authorisation" under +New menu opens a pop-up to create a new authorisation. This option is visible only to Main Users of the organisation.
All fields in the authorisation request must be filled.
After clicking “Send for approval”, you will be asked if you are OK with the extra cost for manual verification of the legal signatory. “Yes, I accept” will create a new authorisation request. Email notification is sent to the authoriser(s) and a new space is created for the request, related activities and conversations.
Once the authorisation request is signed by the authoriser(s), its status changes to IN VERIFICATION and an automated verification task is assigned to the Authority Verification group, which is a SignSpace back-office function. The authoriser’s authority to represent the organisation legally is verified manually by the group. Processing of the verification may take max. one week. Once the verification is completed with positive outcome, the authorisation request status changes to APPROVED and an email notification is sent inform about the approval.
If the authoriser(s) do not have the required authority, the authorisation request status changes to REJECTED and an email notification is sent to the request creator and the signatories.
An authorisation request may be cancelled at any time from the menu in the top right corner.
The history report contains a list authorisation related events and is available from the menu in the top right corner.
First of all, for other users to recognise your organisation account, change the organisation avatar to your organisation logo. Go to the top of the sidebar.
Mouse over the default icon. You will see a dashed line and Edit. Click on that area.
A modal will open where you can update your organisation logo. Click Change picture.
Select your logo from your PC and upload it. You will see an updated organisation logo. If everything looks ok, click Save picture.
The modal will close and in the sidebar you will see updated organisation logo. All your organisation account users will see the organisation logo like this. Only you and other admin users can change it.
Learn how to add Enterprise Application in Entra ID and configure it to use with SignSpace to enable SSO.
To create Enterprise Application in Entra ID, user must at least have Cloud Application Administrator or Application Administrator role in Entra ID.
Follow these configuration steps to set up SSO for SignSpace.
In Entra ID dashboard got to Applications →
Enterprise Applications → New Application .
From App gallery search AWS Single-Account Access.
In the right corner provide app name, click Create.
Return to Enterprise applications list. Select newly created application, got to Single sign-on.
Select SAML.
In Basic SAML Configuration card click Edit.
In identifier field, add this value: urn:amazon:cognito:sp:eu-north-1_U4Od0xofm
Why logout URL should be added?
When a user logs out from SignSpace, they must also be logged out of Entra ID. This process is triggered by redirecting to the Cognito logout URL, which also logs the user out of Entra ID before returning them to SignSpace. If the logout URL is not set, the user will remain on the Entra ID logout page and will not be redirected back to SignSpace.
Click Save
In Attributes & Claims card select Edit .
Add new claims under additional claims
We need these fields:
givenname - first name,
surname - last name,
email - automatically created name uses user.userprincipalname, which is email,
phonenumber - in international format (+<country_code><number>),
permissions - is a string field, where company code, role, permissions are stored. This is the format: [{'org': <ID1>, 'role': 'basic', 'perms': ['perm1', 'perm2'], 'groups': ['group1', 'group2']}, {'org': <ID2>, 'role': 'basic', 'perms': ['perm1', 'perm2'], 'groups': ['group1', 'group2']}]
Detailed specification provided earlier. If this field is not provided, user will be assigned to main organisation, role basic , no permissions, no groups. This field is a custom field, that Entra ID specialist should be able to create and map accordingly.
Detailed explanations of permissions field:
org - business ID, type: string, example: “1234567-1”, MANDATORY;
role - user role, type: string, example: “basic”(if role is left empty, default is “basic”), OPTIONAL, available choices: “basic”, “main”;
groups - user groups, type: list of strings, example: [“group:66c2f6eb7c62df056d4699e1”]), OPTIONAL;
perms - permissions to user, type: list of strings, example: [“sign_enabled“, “request_enabled”], OPTIONAL, available choices:
Preview of claim management
If all users will have same permissions, static line to permissions claim can be added. It should be added in source attribute field. Instead of choosing attribute, static string can be entered in search area, and after pressing Enter on keyboard, this string will stay:
Example line:
[{"org": "123456789","role": "basic", "perms": ["sign_enabled", "request_enabled"], "groups": []}]
This means, that user will be assigned to organisation (business ID: 123456789) as basic user, and will have “sign_enabled” and “request_enabled” permissions.
After an app is created, users, who can login with that app must be assigned in Users and Groups
Click Add user/group:
Test this application is optional, but not required. This will provide information, if all the claims are provided. Also download SAML response is useful, when we need to map fields in cognito side.
Learn how to integrate AWS Single-Account Access with Microsoft Entra ID:
An organisation’s information stored on SignSpace can be accessed by users with the Trusted Admin permission. (See the “Authorisation to access organisation information” section on how to grant Trusted Admin permissions).
Clicking the Trusted Admin icon on the organisation’s list opens the Trusted Admin session, which is required to the access organisation information.
Two-factor authentication is required for each Trusted Admin session. In addition to sign-in credentials, the user is asked to verify their identity using their bank ID or mobile ID. Date of birth, as given in the authorisation request form, is verified against the national identity number.
Successful identity verification opens a Trusted Admin session. The yellow bar on the top of the page indicates that the session is active.
IMPORTANT: When a Trusted Admin session is active, the user acts on behalf of the organisation and is not a user of their own account.
Trusted admin has the following rights:
Read access to all spaces owned by the organisation
Read/write access to all groups created under the organisation account
Right to add/remove space members, both users and groups
Right to add/remove space ownership to/from users and groups
Trusted admin does not have the rights to:
Access spaces which are not owned by the organisation
Create new spaces or groups
Post new activities or messages to an existing space
Access chat conversations
Administrate signing requests or polls
If you want to participate in space activities, add yourself to the space member list and participate in the space using your own account.
If you need to edit a signing request or a poll, add yourself to the member list of respective space, grant space ownership to yourself and participate in the space using your own account.
If you want to use both the trusted admin session and your own account at the same time, you may sign in to your account using another browser or open an incognito session in the same browser.
If you registered a personal account and your organisation is already registered on SignSpace, you can ask to join it. Click the accounts menu in the sidebar.
Select Join / register organisation.
Fill in the organisation’s details and click Find organisation.
If the organisation is already registered on SignSpace click Request to join.
Provide the email address you would like to associate with your organisation. This email will be used for SignSpace email notifications, such as new signing requests.
If you choose to add a new email, you will be asked to do email verification. You will receive an email message with a verification link. Go to your email inbox, click Finish registration and then you will be directed to continue this flow.
In case you selected a personal SignSpace account email in the above step, SignSpace checks if this personal account already has some content (messages, signing requests and so on). If you already have some content under your personal account, you will see the following message. Choose if you would like to move the existing content to the organisation account and click Continue.
Now your request is sent to the admin users of your organisation for approval.
Once approved, you will receive an email notification.
Your personal account will turn into an organisation account. If you selected not to move the existing SignSpace content to the organisation account, you will have two accounts under the same login: one is your new organisation account and another is your personal account with the old content.
The owner of a signature request can reopen a signature request that has been placed on hold at any time.
When the necessary edits to documents or signatories have been made, the owner can remove the signature request from cancelled state by selecting the Reopen function from the signature request toolbar.
Opening a signature request sends signatories a new email invitation to sign. A message can be written to the signatories, which is displayed on an email notification. If you leave the message field empty, the signatories will be shown the original accompanying message.
The author of the signature request has access to the unique invitation link sent to each signatory. If the e-mail invitation sent from the SignSpace service is not delivered to the recipient, you can send the recipient a signature link using the channel of your choice.
In the sent signature request, click on the three dots visible in the signer's line, and you can copy the link from the context menu that opens. Click Copy invitation link and the link will be copied to your computer's clipboard. You can now attach it to the sharing tool of your choice and send it to the recipient.
Note! Copying the invite link is not available for signature requests that require strong authentication. In these cases, you can forward the invitation to the recipient via SMS.
In the sent signature request, click on the three dots visible in the signer's line, and select Send SMS invitation from the context menu. Select the recipient's country code and enter the phone number in the field. Select Apply and Send invitation.
Make sure in the notification window that the recipient's e-mail address is filled in correctly. If the number is correct, select Yes, send invitation. Otherwise, select Cancel.
The recipient will receive an invitation link on their phone as a text message. The holder of the link has access to the signing workflow and the content of the documents shared in it.
Pay attention to data security in connection with these activities, as the individual signer can be identified from the identified link and the holder of the link can access the documents attached to the signature request.
Make sure you only share the link with the intended participant using a secure channel. Use these methods only if the default SignSpace sharing mechanism does not work.
When you are invited to vote in a poll, you will receive an email notification.
Follow the email link to SignSpace space where the poll is located.
To start the voting process, click Vote next to your name.
The preview window will open. If there was at least one document attached for voting, first you will see those attached documents.
Read all the documents - there might be more than one document to review. SignSpace allows attaching various file types and for some of the file types document preview might not be available. You will have to download such files for review on your computer. Reviewing all the documents is important, because you are voting on their content. Once you complete reviewing the attached document(s), click the Proceed button.
In the last step, you need to cast your vote and click Submit vote. Depending on the setup of the poll, you might be allowed to choose only one option (in this case, the list will appear with radio buttons) or more than one option (in this case, additional instructions will be provided next to the list indicating how many options can be selected). At any time you can also decide to cast an empty vote by submitting it without any selected options – in such a case you will be asked to confirm that you are intentionally submitting an empty vote.
Light signature level is used in polls, so strong electronic identification is not required. You are identified by your email address verification during SignSpace registration. As soon as SignSpace processes your submitted vote, you will be returned to the space where the poll is posted. A toast message indicates that your voting is completed.
You can see that the poll status next to your name has changed to Voted. You will also receive an email notification confirming your vote.
Note! If you are not the last person to vote, the summary PDF document attached to this poll (it has the same title as the poll itself) still does not show results or your electronic signature. If you view or download the document now, you will only see the poll content information but not the poll results and signatures. The results and signatures become visible in the summary PDF only when all the voters have voted. You will be informed by an email message when all the voting is completed.
Welcome to the electronic voting feature in SignSpace! This tool enables organisations and groups to make decisions efficiently and transparently by conducting secure electronic voting. Whether you're making formal decisions or collecting opinions, the electronic voting feature provides a streamlined and user-friendly platform for managing your voting processes.
Efficiency: Quickly gather input from multiple participants, reducing the time and effort required for decision-making.
Flexibility: Create simple polls or more formal voting processes, tailored to your specific needs.
Transparency: Track participation and results in real-time while maintaining an audit trail for future reference.
Customizable Polls: Define voting questions, set response options, and specify deadlines.
Multiple Response Types: Support for single-choice and multiple-choice voting.
Secure Access: Restrict voting access to selected participants.
Real-Time Monitoring: Track votes as they come in, and view results instantly once the voting closes.
Audit and Reporting: Generate detailed reports for accountability and compliance.
To create your first poll, visit section, define your question, set up your voting options, and invite participants.
Feature available from June 26, 2024
You can set yourself an out-of-office message. With the message, you can tell others about your absence and give action instructions, for example, regarding substitute arrangements.
Write and turn on the out-of-office messages in the Out-of-office page, found from the Personal Settings menu.
You can write separate out-of-office messages for internal and external users.
Publish the messages by clicking the OFF/ON slider and clicking Save.
TIP! The user interface language has no impact on the content of the displayed message, so we recommend writing the texts in the message field in several languages, when there is a need for this.
When one or both of the absence messages is turned on, you will be shown a reminder bar at the top of the user interface.
You can turn off the messages at any time in the out-of-office message settings, which can be opened from the personal settings menu or by clicking the Settings link in the reminder bar.
The internal message is only visible to users of your own organisation and its group companies. The external message is visible to users outside your organisation.
Your absence message is displayed to other users in the service interface when you are being added as a signatory or other recipient with a signature request.
Your out-of-office message will also appear by pointing to your avatar with the mouse.
When the out-of-office notification is on, a purple indicator is shown at the bottom right of the icon.
Reply URL, add this value:
Logout URL, add this value:
Use this namespace for fields: .
After all the fields assigned, from SAML Certificates card we need App Federation Metadata Url or Federation Metadata XML file. This URL is preferred.
At first, select None Selected , then select users , who can use this SSO, click Select
Contact the SignSpace team for more information:
Note! Sending SMS messages is charged according to the .
Authorisation type
"Access Organisation Account data" is selected to apply organisation data access.
Authorised user
Name of the user who will be authorised to access organisation data. The user must be a member of the organisation.
Nationality of the authorised user is needed to verify the identity of the authorised user. Verification is available for Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian nationalities.
Date of birth
The authorised user’s date of birth is needed to verify the identity of the authorised user.
The authorisation request is sent for signing to the assigned person(s). The assigned person(s) must be a legal signatory or signatories in case 2 persons are required to sign together.
Authoriser’s authority to represent the organisation is verified manually from the business registry once the authorization request has been signed.
Valid till
Validity period of the authorisation must be defined.
Message to authorisers
This message will be displayed to the authorisers in the email invitation and on the authorisation request in SignSpace, and it is also visible to the SignSpace Authority Verification group.
ID (enabled)
ID (disabled)
Groups create
Request create
Batch signing
Single Sign-On (SSO) means that users can login to the SignSpace application using their organisation-provided account, such as a Microsoft login account, without needing a separate login.
Users do not need to remember and store separate passwords for SignSpace, which enhances your organisation's protection against password-based cyberattacks.
Overall security improves further if multi-factor authentication is used with your login accounts.
Your organisation can implement a comprehensive identity services integration, enabling centralised access rights management via Entra ID.
The cost of Single Sign-On depends on the number of users and the extent of the configuration required.
For more information, contact a SignSpace expert and we will help you find a solution that suits you.
At its simplest, the basic SSO setup enables users added in the SignSpace user management system to log in to the SignSpace service using SSO.
If your organisation requires centralised access management via Entra ID, the integration can be expanded to enable complete control over user management from Entra ID.
This basic SSO configuration allows logging into the SignSpace service using Entra ID credentials. The integration does not support adding users via your organisation’s identity service. This means new users must be added manually to SignSpace before they can log in using SSO. This requires defining accounts and information both in Entra ID and in the customer-specific configuration of SignSpace.
SignSpace includes features that enable centralised user management directly from your organisation’s Entra ID. To activate these features, user information must be transmitted from your organisation’s identity service to SignSpace via an SSO token, in a predefined format.
One or more of the following custom features can be enabled:
Adding new users directly from your organisation’s identity service
Assigning SignSpace roles, permissions, organisations, and groups to new users directly from your organisation’s identity service
Managing SignSpace roles, permissions, and organisations from your organisation’s identity service
Additionally, if desired, removal of users from the SignSpace service can be implemented by using either the SignSpace API or utilise custom notifications available in the Microsoft tools.
Your organisation must use the Entra ID identity service (IdP), which complies with the standard SSO (Single Sign-On) protocol.
Depending on the features of the integration being implemented, the setup may require changes to your organisation’s identity management to ensure that the necessary information can be transmitted from your system to the SignSpace service.
This chapter outlines the steps for enabling SSO in the SignSpace service.
The SignSpace contact person provides the customer with the parameters needed to create the SAML.xml file: Entity ID and Reply URL.
The customer configures Entra ID, see How to set up Entra ID Enterprise App for SignSpace SSO
The customer sends the Federation metadata XML file SAML.xml
(or a URL where the latest file can be downloaded) to the SignSpace contact person, who updates the information in the customer account configuration.
The SignSpace contact person finalises the account configuration and enables single sign-on for the desired domain(s).
Once single sign-on is enabled, the customer may activate SSO for specific users in the SignSpace interface. This applies to users with email addresses linked to the domains included in the configuration. Activation is done in the user management section by selecting SSO enabled checkbox.
SSO is enabled as default for a new user added via Entra ID. The user is not added to SignSpace account users, until the user signs in the 1st time with SSO.
Communication to each new user needs to be organised by the customer, since SignSpace is not aware of the new user added to customer’s IdP. Here is an example message, you can modify for your need:
You have been granted access to SignSpace, which is the electronic signing service used by our company. Log in to the service from this link: https://app.signspace.com/srv/login/sso
, using your Microsoft account credentials.
This chapter describes the main functionalities.
A new users is added via Entra ID to SignSpace organisation users. Once the user signs in the 1st time with SSO, in the sign in process, user is asked to authenticate via Entra ID, verify his personal data used in the authentication and accept Terms of Service and Privacy policy.
The user is registered as a new user in Entra ID.
The new user logs into the service for the first time via the link: https://app.signspace.com/srv/login/sso
The user has not yet logged into Entra ID and is redirected to sign in.
After logging in, the user accepts the service terms and privacy policy.
The user is redirected to the service. The user is assigned a role and permissions within the organisation based on the information provided via the SSO token.
Users with SSO enabled cannot sign in using a username and password. This workflow demonstrates the process that occurs when a user attempts to sign in with a username and password.
The user attempts to sign in using an email address.
The user is redirected to a page informing them that their organisation has taken single sign-on in use.
The user is redirected to the single sign-on page.
If the user is already signed into Entra ID, they are redirected directly to the SignSpace service.
The user is informed that the email address is not under SSO and is advised to check the email address or log in using their username and password.
Permissions changed in at Entra ID side apply to the next login of the respective user.
User removed from Entra ID cannot login anymore, but user is not removed from SignSpace.
To facilitate trust in the SignSpace platform users are encouraged to verify their identities. User with a verified identity has a blue badge next to the name. User without a verified identity has a grey badge.
When you click on your own grey badge, you will be provided with the option to verify your identity.
The same option is available from your personal settings.
The Verify your identity link will lead to this page first.
Clicking Verify identity will lead to the strong electronic identification, which is carried out via the verification service by Signicat. Identity is verified via electronic IDs for Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. To verify your identity you will need your bank or mobile electronic ID credentials.
When you are back to SignSpace after the strong electronic identification, the shield next to your name will be blue.
Poll creator and other owners may cancel a poll, which is no longer relevant. This option is available in the tool bar of the poll.
Canceled poll can be reopened by the creator and other owners.
Language versions can be specified in metadata fields and templates. Supported languages are English, Finnish and Swedish.
If no language version is specified, the default text is displayed for all languages. When you fill a language version, this text is replaced with the selected language instead of the default text.
In the example below, the default text is “Confidentiality” and the language version "Luottamuksellisuus" has been added to the Finnish language. For those using the service in Finnish, the text displayed is “Luottamuksellisuus”, while in Swedish or English, the text is “Confidentiality”.
In case the default poll invitation sent by SignSpace system is not successful for any technical reasons, the creator of the poll has access to the unique links of each poll participant. Click on the 3 dots on a specific voter line in the posted poll and the context menu will provide the option to copy the link. Click the menu item and the link will be copied to your PC clipboard. Now you can paste it in another tool for sharing: email, chat, etc.
Note! This functionality is security sensitive, because the unique link identifies a specific poll voter. Make sure that you are sharing each link only with the correct participant over a secure channel and only do that if the default SignSpace sharing mechanisms do not work.
Metadata enriches the search results. When free text is typed to the search field, matching results are autosuggested in a list. The metadata search applies to those list and text fields which allow search.
Multiple files can be selected by using checkboxes, downloaded for offline archiving outside SignSpace and then marked as archived.
Once you select at least one file, Download and Archive action links will appear. Clicking Download will initiate a download of a .zip archive.
Clicking Archive will open a context menu. Select Mark as manually archived and an Archive icon to the Archived column will be added.
The blue clock over the Archive icon indicates that these files were archived recently - the blue clock will disappear the next day.
Mouseover on the Archived icon shows who and when marked this file archived.
To unarchive the file, click on the Archived icon and select Unarchive from the context menu. The Archived icon will be removed.
Group owner can close a group from the context menu at the top right corner of the group page. Group members are informed about group closing with a notification.
When a group is closed, content cannot be shared with it any longer. But closing a group will not delete it. Closed groups are still visible across SignSpace UI, only marked as CLOSED, and they can be used as reference to find information.
In the Home tab sidebar they will appear with a crossed out icon.
All closed groups are listed under Closed groups filter in the sidebar of the Groups tab.
Closed group can be reverted back to active by a group owner.
You can copy the address of the group onto the clipboard and share it with external users to whom it is not visible in the service.
Email notification settings are available in the personal settings drop down menu.
In the menu item that opens a list of checkboxes, you can see when SignSpace sends e-mails from conversations.
When the setting is on, you will receive an email notification of conversations when:
I am mentioned: email notification when you are @-mentioned in a conversation someone replies to a message posted by me: email notification when someone replies directly to a message you posted someone replies within the conversation where I am an owner: email notification when a new message is posted in a space where you're the owner
If you are a member of a group, but would not like to receive all the notifications from it, you can mute a group. Select that group name in the sidebar, open the context menu (down arrow) and select Mute group. All the group’s information will be still available to you in SignSpae, but you can review it at your own pace when needed without being disturbed by constant notifications.
On the right side of the top bar you can change the language (English, Finnish and Swedish languages are available), access and manage your personal settings: Personal details, Verify your identity (visible if you have not done so), Change picture, My organisations (if you are linked to any). In the same menu, you may access the User guide and Sign out function. You may change your password on the Personal details page.
For your whole organisation to start using SignSpace, invite new users to your organisation account. This is done in the User management page. To access the User management page, go to accounts menu in the sidebar and click on the Gear icon (the right side of your organisation account line).
You will land in your organisation details Overview page. In the sidebar switch to the User management page. On the User management page click + New user.
Add your colleagues’ email addresses, select user type and click Send invitation.
Email invitations will be sent to them to complete the registration process.