You can create templates for signature requests for quick submission. Templates can be shared with other users, groups or the entire organisation.
By saving repetitive texts, workflows and other settings in reusable templates, you shorten the preparation time for signature requests and enable the automation of creation processes for others in your organisation as well.
Create a new template by selecting Template from the +New menu
The opening template looks like a signature request form, so that filling in the information is easy to follow.
Fill in the prefilled signature request section of the signature request form with the information you want to pre-fill for the signature requests created based on the template.
You can share the template with people and groups by adding these to the Share this template with... field. Users or groups who have been given owner rights to the model can modify it. Select a person icon to grant ownership. The icon is shown in blue in the owner rows.
When the template is ready, click Create Template to save it. The template will appear in the Home view of the users to whom the template has been shared.
In addition, you can find templates made by you and shared with you on the Signing tab by selecting the Templates filter.
By selecting a template from the list, its information is displayed in the window.
As an owner, you can edit the template by clicking Edit or delete the template by clicking Delete.
All users to whom the template has been shared can view the information filled in for the template and create new signature requests based on the template. By clicking Create a new signature request, you can create a new signature request. The template information is pre-filled for the signature request and you are free to edit it.
You can open a discussion about the template or leave a message on the template for users.
The message will be displayed to users in the home view.
If you want to target a message to a specific person or group so that an e-mail notification is sent about it, use the @ mention in the message.